Oliver Jeffers books: I've only recently discovered these picture books and they are so cool! I particularly like Stuck- the illustrations are brilliant!
Discretion: how far is too far?: A topic that comes up frequently in discussions with other librarians is that of discretion when wiping overdue fees etc. Some people think that older patrons should have their fines wiped automatically, other feel that rules should never be broken. I'm a fence sitter on this one- see my previous blog post for more thoughts.
Books on Prescription: Waitaki District Libraries recently launched this great scheme. You can check out an article about it here. Basically, the Southern Primary Health Organisation donates a range of mental health and well being books to the library, which people can then check out 'on prescription'. They may get their referral from a doctor, psychiatrist or mental health specialist. I think the library is the perfect place for these books to be accessed, as the library is seen as a safe place for many people.
What has been inspiring or thought provoking to you this week? Just leave a comment here on the blog or send me a tweet @JuliadeRuiter
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