Thursday, 3 January 2013


Happy New Year everyone!
I'm so excited for 2013- I have a good feeling :)

To welcome in the new year I thought I'd share some of the goals I've made for myself at work this year. ( I left out the ones that only apply to our library). I think a sense of direction is what I need this year, so the list is stuck prominently on the wall right next to my computer.

1:Stay positive
2: Be flexible
3: Work hard on my final two papers for study
4: Get on top of my time management skills/become an organisation queen!
5: Be creative and authentic
6: Apply for the LIANZA 2013 conference scholarship
7: Finish Diploma and Certificate!
8: Publish one blog post a week
9: Read more of what I love

What are your goals/resolutions for the year ahead? You can comment here on the blog or tweet me @JuliadeRuiter

Bring on 2013!!
