Reading about how positive and passionate people can be about their job, makes me think about what my focus is. Am I constantly thinking about the negative- budget cuts, the future of libraries, career paths, upcoming study? Or, am I focusing on the really awesome, satisfying parts of my job?
I don't want to become one of those people whose glass is half empty, so my resolution is to make sure I turn my negatives into positives. I'm finding that I'm being inspired by librarians via Twitter and blogs. Its been a great way to realise that other librarians get frustrated the same way I do and feel the same satisfaction seeing a happy patron walk away.
A colleague recently sent this link through ( A future librarian's promise by Carlie Graham) and it really spoke to me as it did to her. It is well worth checking out. My favourite is:
Be creative.I will never stop looking for ways to innovate to bring truly cool and useful things to library members. I promise to work to bring art, culture, beauty into libraries, and will seek out simplicity.
If you have any stories about great library moments I'd love to hear them! Just leave a comment here on the blog or if you're on Twitter, tweet me @JuliadeRuiter
Julia :)
P.S. This made me giggle!
P.S. This made me giggle!
Librarian Fact #218
Library assistants are capable of finding lost books using no more than a ladle, a skein of wool, and seven safety pins.
I'm in the right profession: I have been called a "Pathological delusional optimist!" Works for me, though :)