Saturday, 28 September 2013

Oamaru Library Tour: Day 5

Oamaru Library Tour: Day 5:
Our public use computers are a great resource for the library. They allow students to print out homework materials, tourists to keep in touch with their families, provide access to government websites and much more. We are super lucky that the Waitaki Community can use these computers for free as they are provided by APNK ( Aoteroa People’s Network Kaharoa). APNK is part of National Library and works with local government staff at public libraries to bring a free broadband Internet service to communities around the country. Thanks @Peepsnetwork!
You can find out more about APNK here:

Oamaru Library Tour: Day 4

Oamaru Library Tour: Day 4: Chris Meech is our Reference and Heritage Librarian. He is pictured here browsing books in our reference section which is located near the APNK internet computers. These books are not for loan which means you can’t borrow them but they do contain a wealth of information. Books in this section include Black's Medical Dictionary, The New Grove Dictionary of Music & Musicians, The Oxford Companion to American Literature and much more. Feel free to ask staff at the desk for direction!

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Oamaru Library Tour: Day 3

Day 3:
Fiona Kerr is our Youth Librarian. She's our ukulele star and plays at Toddler Time and Wriggle and Rhyme each week! Fiona is pictured in our Young Adult area. This section is full of great books, magazines and audiobooks which you can take out for free. With the comfy armchairs and couch, it’s a great place to hang out with friends or use the wifi. What is your favourite part about our YA area? What would you like to see in it?

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Oamaru Library Tour: Day 2

Oamaru Library Tour: Day 2:
Jean Rivett is our Community Services Librarian. What is that, you say? Well, amongst many other things, Jean plans and promotes the majority of the events at the library, buys fiction books and much more! Jean has been working at the library for nearly 20 years so she has a lot of experience to draw on, especially in helping you find the perfect book to read. The fiction section is a treasure trove of reading material so why not come in and explore?

Monday, 23 September 2013

Oamaru Library Tour: Day 1

Welcome to Day 1 of the Oamaru Library Tour! Today I want to introduce you to Philip van Zijl who has been our Library Manager since early 2011. Philip is originally from South Africa and enjoys spearfishing and tramping. You can often spot Philip around the library so feel free to come and have chat.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Oamaru Library Tour!

Exciting news! Keep an eye out for our virtual Oamaru Library tour series that will be happening soon on the Waitaki District Libraries Facebook page and on our Twitter account @WDLibraries. Each day we will post a photo showcasing a different aspect of the library and the awesome services we offer. You can find posts on Twitter using the hashtag #OamaruLibraryTour. Stay tuned! :)